Grayscale is open source and MIT licensed. This means you can use it for any project - even commercial projects! Download it, customize it, and publish your website!
An example of where you can put an image of a project, or anything else, along with a description.
Another example of a project with its respective description. These sections work well responsively as well!
An example of where you can put an image of a project, or anything else, along with a description.
Another example of a project with its respective description. These sections work well responsively as well!
An example of where you can put an image of a project, or anything else, along with a description.
Another example of a project with its respective description. These sections work well responsively as well!
Grayscale is open source and MIT licensed. This means you can use it for any project - even commercial projects! Download it, customize it, and publish your website!